
Easy Go! Easy Come!! The Show Must Go On!!! 百聞は一見に如かず! 百見は一遊に如かず!!

リヴォン ReBorn Tyr Order Domain 種族Reborn UA版 Cleric1


Tyr Order Domain Cleric1
の商店で、突然、 その商店の鎧飾りとして展示している等身大の珍しい少女の白大理石Alabaster像から、まばらにその白大理石で構成された身体部位がある命ある人造体Construt(見た目は14歳位の少女)として生まれ変わったのであった。
秩序領域Order Domain(ターシャ本31p)にもその御力を得られた時に、同時に発生した神聖な現象の影響と思われる。
Create Date:2021/03/10 Cleric1
LG Reborn female 
Medium Humanoid, Construct
Languages:Common,Halfling(+1Reborn),Dwarf,Elven,Gnome,Orc(+4INT mod.),UnderCommon(+1Background)
能力値Ability Scores
種族能力値Ability Scores増加 Reborn:2点
筋力Strength 14 +2
+2 ... 筋力判定Strength Ability Checks
+2 ... 筋力セイビングスローStrength Saving Throws
+2 ... 運動Athletics Skill
210 lbs. ... 運搬能力Maximum Carrying Capacity 14STRx15
420 lbs. ... 押し引きMax. Push or Drag (Speed -5 ft.) 210x2
420 lbs. ... 持ち上げMaximum Lift 210x2
敏捷力Dexterity 11 +0
+0 ... 敏捷力判定Dexterity Ability Checks
+0 ... 敏捷力セイビングスローDexterity Saving Throws
+0 ... 軽業Acrobatics Skill
+0 ... 手先の早業Sleight of Hand Skill
+0 ... 隠密Stealth Skill
耐久力Constitution 10 +0
+0 ... 耐久力判定Constitution Ability Checks
+0 ... 耐久力セイビングスローConstitution Saving Throws
知力Intelligence 18(17+1Reborn) +4
+4 ... 知力判定Intelligence Ability Checks
+4 ... 知力セイビングスローIntelligence Saving Throws
+4 ... 魔法学Arcana Skill
+6 ... 歴史History Skill*(Cleric)
+4 ... 捜査Investigation Skill
+4 ... 自然Nature Skill
+4 ... 宗教Religion Skill
判断力Wisdom 18(17+1Reborn) +4
+4 ... 判断力判定Wisdom Ability Checks
+6 ... 判断力セイビングスローWisdom Saving Throws*(Cleric)
+4 ... 動物使いAnimal Handling Skill
+6 ... 看破Insight Skill*(BackGround)
+6 ... 医術Medicine Skill*(Cleric)
+4 ... 知覚Perception Skill  暗視DarkVision 60ft.(Reborn)
+4 ... 生存Survival Skill
魅力Charisma 14 +2
+2 ... 魅力判定Charisma Ability Checks
+4 ... 魅力セイビングスローCharisma Saving Throws*(Cleric)
+2 ... ペテンDeception Skill
+4 ... 威圧Intimidation Skill*(Order Domain)
+2 ... 芸能Performance Skill
+4 ... 説得Persuasion Skill*(BackGround)
受動視認14  +4Wis mod. Darkvision60ft.
イニシアチブ +0  +0Dex mod.
移動力Speed 30ft.まだ未購入Plate Armor 20ft.
10 = 10+0Dex mod
16 = 14Scale mail+2Shield
Scale Mail PHB p144 Medium armor 50 gp, 45 lb. AC 14 + Dex (max 2)
The wearer has disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
まだ未購入Plate Armor and Shield
20 = 18Plate Armor+2Shield
Plate Armor PHB p145 Heavy armor 1,500 gp, 65 lb. AC 18
The wearer has disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
If the wearer has a Strength score lower than 15, their speed is reduced by 10 feet.
Source: PHB, page 145. Available in the SRD.
HP 8 =1d8+0Con mod.
HD:1d8 Cleric1
無死の性質Deathless Nature
You have escaped death, a fact represented by the following benefits:
* You have advantage on saving throws against disease and being poisoned, and you have resistance to poison damage.
* You have advantage on death saving throws.
* You don’t need to eat, drink, or breathe.
* You don’t need to sleep, and magic can’t put you to sleep. You can finish a long rest in 4 hours if you spend those hours in an inactive, motionless state, during which you retain consciousness.
* 病気や毒を受けていることに対するセイビングスローに有利を得る、毒のダメージに対する抵抗力を持っている。
* 死亡判定セービングスローに有利を得る。
* 食べる必要も、飲む必要も、呼吸する必要もありません。
* 眠る必要はなく、魔法で眠らせることもできません。
* その間、意識を保ったまま動かない状態で過ごせば、4時間で長い休息を終えることができます。
前世からの知識Knowledge from a Past Life
You temporarily remember sporadic glimpses of the past, perhaps faded memories from ages ago or a previous life. When you make an ability check that uses a skill, you can roll a d6 and add the number rolled to the check. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
1d20+4 +2筋力STR修正値+2習熟ボーナス メイス攻撃1回 -> 
1d6+2 メイス殴打ダメージ -> 
Mace PHB p149 Simple weapon, melee weapon 5 gp, 4 lb.
1d6 bludgeoning
1d20+0 ライトクロスボウ(ボルト)80/320 ft.攻撃1回 -> 
1d6+0 ライトクロスボウ(ボルト)刺突ダメージ -> 
Light Crossbow PHB p149 Simple weapon, ranged weapon 25 gp, 5 lb.1d8 piercing - ammunition (80/320 ft.), loading, two-handed
You can use a weapon that has the ammunition property to make a ranged attack only if you have ammunition to fire from the weapon. 
Each time you attack with the weapon, you expend one piece of ammunition. 
Drawing the ammunition from a quiver, case, or other container is part of the attack. 
Loading a one-handed weapon requires a free hand. At the end of the battle, 
you can recover half your expended ammunition by taking a minute to search the battlefield.
If you use a weapon that has the ammunition property to make a melee attack, 
you treat the weapon as an improvised weapon. 
A sling must be loaded to deal any damage when used in this way.
Because of the time required to load this weapon, you can fire only one piece of ammunition from it when you use an action, 
bonus action, or reaction to fire it, regardless of the number of attacks you can normally make.
This weapon requires two hands to use. This property is relevant only when you attack with the weapon, 
not when you simply hold it.
呪文 Cleric1
NPCティアTyr神のホーリーシンボル 鉄床とウォーハンマーのペンダント
Spell DC 14 =8+4判断力WIS修正値+2習熟ボーナス
+6 +4判断力WIS修正値+2習熟ボーナス Spell Arrack
準備呪文数 5 =+4判断力WIS修正値+1クリレックリベル
呪文スロット 0 1
                   3 2
ガイダンス 精神集中最大1分 +1d4技能判定前or後
レシスタンス 精神集中最大1分 +1d4セイビングスロー判定前or後
セイドリック フレイム 60ft. 敏捷力DEXセイビングスロー失敗1d8光輝ダメージ+遮蔽無し、成功ダメージ無し。
ディテクト マジック
キュア ウーンズ
ヒーリング ワード
オーダー領域Order Domain
Voice of Authority
Starting at 1st level, you can invoke the power of law to embolden an ally to attack. 
If you cast a spell with a spell slot of 1st level or higher and target an ally with the spell, 
that ally can use their reaction immediately after the spell to make one weapon attack 
against a creature of your choice that you can see.
If the spell targets more than one ally, you choose the ally who can make the attack.
旅行者服Traveler’s Clothes x1 2gp/4lbs.装備一式
ポーチPouch x1 5sp/1lbs.[2gp7sp/7lb.] (背景取得)
 火口箱Tinderbox x1 5sp/1lbs.
 油Oil (flask) x5 1sp/1lbs.
 ハンマーHammer Steel x1 @1gp/3lb.
 ピトンPiton x20 1cp/0.05lb./1lb.
水袋a waterskin 2 sp, 5 lb. (full) PHB p153
冒険者パックExplorer’s Pack (10 gp).*バックパックに収納の意味) 10 gp, 59 lb. PHB p151.(Cleric取得)   
* バックパックbackpackx1
鍛治道具Smith's Tools PHB p154 Artisan's tools 20 gp, 8 lb.(背景取得)
* 寝袋bedrollx1
* 普通の服set of common clothes,
* ポンチョPoncho雨着
* ヤカンiron pot
* ジャベルshovel
* 手鏡Steel Mirror 5 gp, ½ lb.PHB p150
* タオルCotton Cloth (1 sq. yd.) 5spx3yds2枚 PHB p157
* 石鹸Soap 2cp PHB p150
失われた記憶 1d8
7 存在するはずのない場所をかすかに覚えている。
生まれ変わった起源 1d8
6 何世代にもわたって石化されていた君は解放された。
Armor: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields
Weapons: Simple Weapons
Tools: none
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
Skills: Choose two from History*, Insight, Medicine*, Persuasion, and Religion
Order Domain ターシャ本31-32p
Armor: Heavy Armor
ギルド商人10  鎧屋・鍵屋・鍛冶屋Armorers, locksmiths, and finesmiths
Skill Proficiencies Insight*, Persuasion*
Equipment A set of artisan's tools (one of your choice) or a mule and cart, a letter of introduction from your guild, 
a set of traveler's clothes, and a belt pouch containing 15 gp
鍛治道具Smith's Tools PHB p154 Artisan's tools 20 gp, 8 lb.
Smith's tools allow you to work metal, heating it to alter its shape, repair damage, or work raw ingots into useful items.
Smith's tools include hammers, tongs, charcoal, rags, and a whetstone.
魔法学と歴史Arcana and History.
Your expertise lends you additional insight when examining metal objects, such as weapons.
You can spot clues and make deductions that others might overlook when an investigation involves armor, weapons, or other metalwork.
With access to your tools and an open flame hot enough to make metal pliable, 
you can restore 10 hit points to a damaged metal object for each hour of work.
Sharpen a dull blade DC10
Repair a suit of armor DC15
Sunder a nonmagical metal object DC15
See the Tool Proficiencies entry for more information.
Source: PHB, page 154. Additional information from XGE, page 84.
GMセス - 今日 14:46
1d8 Personality Trait LiVon Reborn Tyr Order Domain Cleric1
(1D8) > 4
GMセス - 今日 14:47
rep3 1d6 Ideal,Bond,Flaw LiVon Reborn Tyr Order Domain Cleric1
#1 (1D6) > 5 
#2 (1D6) > 3
#3 (1D6) > 5
Trait 4 I'm full of witty aphorisms and have a proverb for every occasion.
Ideal 5 People. I'm committed to the people I care about, not to ideals. (Neutral)
Bond 3 I owe my guild a great debt for forging me into the person I am today.
Flaw 5 I would kill to acquire a noble title.
能力値Ability Scores決定
GMセス - 今日 14:00
rep6 4d6kh3 LiVon Reborn Tyr Order Domain Cleric1能力値Ability Scores1発振り!
#1 (4D6KH3) > 10[1,3,3,4] > 10
#2 (4D6KH3) > 14[3,4,5,5] > 14
#3 (4D6KH3) > 17[1,5,6,6] > 17
#4 (4D6KH3) > 17[4,5,6,6] > 17
#5 (4D6KH3) > 11[1,3,3,5] > 11
#6 (4D6KH3) > 14[1,3,5,6] > 14
GMセス - 今日 14:00